
About CBA:

Casco Bay Arena is “owned” by Casco Bay Arena, Inc.–a non-profit corporation with the mission of ensuring that youth hockey is available and accessible to all by strengthening and supporting Casco Bay Hockey and other non-profit hockey programs. In other words, we all “own” Casco Bay Arena.

The Arena is the home of Casco Bay Hockey and is dedicated to its past, present and future players.  Whenever there is a snow day, the Arena opens up for pond hockey.  During college vacations, groups of Casco Bay players come back for pick-up games.  Most importantly, during school vacations and holidays, Try Hockey for Free sessions are open for future players.

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The first game at Casco Bay Arena was held on October 23, 2015 and was officiated by NHL Referee Wes McCauley who was one of the founding members of the Arena’s Board of Directors. In eight short years, we have seen the players from that game move through the high school ranks and on to college. We should all take pride in the legacy of Casco Bay Hockey and the impact of Casco Bay Arena.

Our Goals:

Casco Bay Arena has a significant need for updates and improvements to keep the rink operating smoothly and keep our local hockey teams thriving and the game growing in the area. The overall goal of the Capital Campaign is to raise awareness and fund these important rink updates with our financial goal of $100K.

Casco Bay Arena has three major needs that are at the top of our funding wish list:

  • Zamboni – gently used in excellent condition
  • Big Fan – these fans have proved vital to circulating air and keeping the ice from puddling – the addition of one more fan is essential for the quality of the ice to have more of these.
  • Heaters – These would be around the arena and would benefit players and spectators

To keep youth hockey affordable and accessible to all, please consider a donation to support your Arena–Casco Bay Arena.

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The Arena before the first skate